Friday, July 10, 2015


When you started to learn mantra, may be your first mantra is Om Mani Padme Hung....

Human character likes new things. When we first learn something new, we are always full of excitement and interest than , when we learn more new things, we forget the old one.
And feel the new one is more powerful than the old one etc...

Is very common especially if you meet many people who practice Buddhism. Some so into puja and mantra and feel this mantra is more power than that mantra.. Whole life keep searching non stop.
In the end go back to basic is simplest.
Too much ritual procedure, tired you out and simplicity and faith is the best. DOnt know mantra just the name of Guan Yin PuSa with faith can le.

Today let me refresh your faith again. No matter what or which mantra. Do your homework.

Start by setting a target for your practice.
May be this month u focus on Om Mani Pad Me Hung and Cundi Mantra.
Once a month you do 88 Buddha.
Every Friday you do Medicine Buddha Mantra.

So when you set a target, you progress, All mantra are same. Only human heart different.

If you see my healing pendulum, the middle ball is Om Mani Padme Hung ball. Remind us the compassionate heart and this are the meaning.

Mantra I have taught in Class and For you. These mantra I am honored to be given Oral Transmission by late rinpoche. And I have put to good use and when u say after me, is like a line of unbroken energy. Thank you.

Green Tara Mantra

Tara mantra is often used to overcome physical, mental or emotional blockages and also blockages in relationships. Green Tara is very active and steps down to help all the beings. Only thing required is that we need to resign and let go of our clinging to a particular outcome, because, to cling to a particular outcome is often self-defeating, as it creates unhappiness and agitation, particularly when it involves other people. The more we have Tara’s non-grasping attitude the more happy we are. When chanting the Tara mantra, we need to let go and bring the energy back into ourselves. This will generate immense inner peace and clarity. 

Tayata Om Bekanze Bekanze Maha BeKanze Radza Samudgate Soha 
The ancient teachings that tell us even seeing an image of the Medicine Buddha can confer inconceivable benefits also reveal that just hearing the name of the Medicine Buddha brings the same benefits
The Medicine Buddha mantra is recited for success. Since we have many problems and want to succeed we need to recite the Medicine Buddha mantra every day. It can help us eliminate the problems, unhappiness and suffering we don’t want and gain the success, happiness, inner growth and realizations of the path that we do.
Lord Buddha told his attendant Ananda that even animals who hear the Medicine Buddha mantra will never be reborn in the lower realms. The highly attained Kyabje Chöden Rinpoche, who has completed the entire path to enlightenment, said recently that if you recite the Medicine Buddha mantra at the time of death you will be reborn in the pure land. Therefore, it is to be recited not only for healing but also to benefit people and animals all the time, whether they’re living or dying.

Avalokitesvara Mantra

Om Mani Padme Hum
Tibetan Buddhists believe that saying the mantra (prayer), Om Mani Padme Hum out loud or silently to oneself, invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion. Viewing the written form of the mantra is said to have the same effect. It is often carved into stones, and placed where people can see them.

We all have good and bad karma in our living consciousness. This is why both good and bad things happen daily.
It is important to accumulate good karma like a bank account. Also must learn to purify the bad karma left over from past lives. This determines the events and outcomes of our lives. Buddhist masters point to six powerful ways to purify bad karma.
  1. reading the sutras ( Heart Sutra, 普门品)
  2. meditating on emptiness (Just breath in and out and observe ur thoughts)
  3. Chant mantra daily to purify our body mind emotion and connection with Enlightened one.
  4. reciting the names of Buddhas (88 or 35 Buddhas)
Remember for me, above are ways to purify ourselves and purify the negative karma. Anyone filial to parents (which is first, i also no need mention). And than follow by do good deeds and be a nice person. 

So is simple:

Practice good character
Spread love and help people
Never give up no matter what u face, because is just past karma, u purify more, more good things slowly come.

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