Saturday, July 4, 2015

Coil Incense and House Energy

Before talking about your luck my luck. One thing, have u been filial to your parents.
孝感动天。 If a person is filial, your luck wont down until where one. Beside facing the karma debt in your past life, u will have help from all over. No matter how bitter life is help is always presence.

So reflect first about your孝顺quality before reading.

Also for people who always bad tempered and angry. Why le... u must go see TCM to tune your body, sometimes is not u ok. And also wear your black tourmaline bracelet (since 2005, ready to order). And use Love miracle blend bottom of feet daily apply.

When u lost big temper, all auspicious God around you will disappear. And u need to go temple to ask for forgiveness and confession. And than Luck will come back. please take note.

Sickness star and gossip problematic stars are tiring this few months, so remember to use your 5D coin and also is easy to break things this 2 months, so when anything break or plates cups, just say auspicious words and visualise negative things is cleared. That area use 5 element oil wipe can le.

5 element oil wipe office table and mix with atomiser spray office can kill diseases; muji or sasa can buy this empty bottle, but must premix and pour in best is glass bottle;
If add Spice oil the anti bacteria properties is most powerful. if u going overseas, carry with u peppermint oil, spice oil ok.

few Important items for house this two months are

Healing Trees oil apply bottom of feets before meeting difficult people or situations let u auric ur potential and ur foundations. Even in office new people join and u feel threathen, just apply this oil bottom of feet, u will know the real meaning of fearless and be harmony. Remember it is combinations of few big trees. Also house mob floor itself is good for foundation House yun.

1) Coil incense
2) Tranquility Healing spray
3) 5 element oil or Love miracle blend.
4) Mob floor with pail of water with 5 drops healing trees oil can cleanse the toxic energy from past few months and also bring strong foundations. I apply this oil bottom of my feet before meetings ahaha. U can see my first time for TV show, i use this oil.

Coil Incense Wish Fufilling and improve house energy: Good Quality Coil incense is hard to come by. Especially test was being sent for harmful chemical free like mercury lead. Omhealth is happy that this few incense is amazing. For beginners, light Wishfulling coil incense often at home with window open. But if u light indoor, u can break it abit so no need to finish whole coil. In times of very block energy at home, find a "cake making container" as shown above for safety reason and clip the coil incense and look at the sky and pray for Heaven's Energy.

Below is a famous Taoist Music. Is very well known and Singapore Taoist Organisation also perform before with Singapore orchestra.

And today officially , this words will be one of the practice, omhealth students can say.
Times are not easy. We need also to learn the Tao of Way of life, health , acupressure and TCM method are all from Taoism practices too.

福生無量天尊 say 3 times. Is the words about Ti Gong blessings too(玉皇大帝). So is very Chinese way of morning respect to Heaven and Earth energy.
Next time if you go temple and see Sky or the Ti Gong Lu, u can say 3 times. Is very auspicious.

Dont need mix up with your daily mantra practice. This words u can say as a way of respect of Heaven God. Is like u see all temple, people pray to Sky first than pray.

常持"福生无量天尊"的妙处 第一,天尊加持,所在之地土地城隍皆护佑此人 第二,智慧明净,所做所行皆是天意,行天之意,无所畏惧 第三,平安相随,常年奔波之人受得四海大龙王护佑,舟车平安 第四,财源广进,正财,偏财,禄神常伴 第五,广传道音,功德无量,常庇福荫,灾祸远离 第六,渐生气力,皆受天星照耀,气力渐增 第七,寿命长久,阴司众等,闻听天尊尊号,皆嵇首而礼 第八,死者超度,死者闻生时亲属能够常年天尊尊号,生出诸端妙处 第九,地域安宁,尊号声起,五路瘟神皆远离,地域安宁福无量 第十,死时超脱,常年天尊尊号,死时一念生起救苦救难太乙天尊,即能前往东方极乐界 福生无量天尊,尊号响起,万邪避忌,诸病离身。

Above poems is Chinese Way of Tao. No matter what we are all Chinese and should learn about Yin and Yang balance and start with respect heaven and earth and saying this power poem words can motivate a person Energy.

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