Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Healing Pendulum Method

Healing Pendulum: Imparted by Shanghai Master

This healing pendulum is designed with pure Silver, it comes in 3 parts, of varja, a bell and a 6 syllables bead.

Is good for healing. U can hold with one hand and let it keep rotate on ur left palm. And relax. See how it rotates and tune ur energy. few mins a day will release alot stress. Look how the pendulum rotates and breath in and out.
you may feel a warmth, or pressure tingling  feeling radiating from the palm of your hand.
The small more sensitive finger chakras open next, giving us extra sensitivity with energy healing.

Healing Green of Mother Blue $200 (Activated)

Powerful to help to relieve stress, at the same time it is highly energizing.
manifestation, and is powerful when combined both with the power of truth and the energy of the spoken word.
This blue-green crystal is an extremely soothing and calming stone. It will also aid you to release the stress associated with these previous experiences.

Glad to design 2 bracelet for a client; This one is $480 each and is very nice one.

Just let it rotate or u make it rotate and relax !
Posted by Bryan Gan on Tuesday, 23 June 2015

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