Saturday, June 27, 2015

A letter to Buddha

Buddha u taught us four noble truth , is it that when I take refuge , I will free from bad luck or sickness?

I think many who take refuge or chant mantra definitely have the intention also for good luck; 
This is ok , to me able to see Buddha teaching is already good luck; 
But putting to practice what is being taught is not easy but we must make effort;

Sometimes I ask. Well .... 
U can be a true Buddhist like take refuge ah, chant all sort of sutra ah, go do a lot charity ah .... But like that I also dare not say I am a true Buddhist if I still same very impatient, always angry , always ego jealous ; 
A market Aunty who don't know prayers but with heart of loving kindness and compassion is more powerful than a tai tai who offers ritual and do a lot charity but heart of not peace and ego;

Life is short , if u say u are a Buddhist , step back, have u spend time develop ur quality of bodhi heart or are u just a doer, do for urself to see and do for people see;
When u chant sutra can u feel the meaning of words and what is your intention;

That's what I wan to share: be humble at all times ; what sickness problems u face just read more sutra understand meaning of life ;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your reminder