Friday, March 27, 2015

人间的味道;Bryan Lao Shi

Picture by Bryan Putuoshan (I am back today from the trip, is a very meaningful trip to CHina. I will share some findings on 7th June talk ).

Everytime when near Qing Ming, there will be slight rain.

清明的忧愁, 不是闲愁, 它是实实在在有来由的忧愁。 很多时候你们的忧愁是无知的,吴名无辜的忧愁。


I always during Qing Min, unintentionally think of many people. Sometimes a name, sometimes a past incident, sometimes a old phone number, sometimes a song, sometimes a food that remind me of someone

清明这个日子,给了我放纵感情的理由,尽可以让我们逐着思绪去天边飞,如那些牵线的风筝。无论在天边,树梢,还是落进kallang river,远远近近,总会有根线,叫做清明。


我有个性格很像爷爷那就是,做生意要诚信。 但是我也像爷爷很容易相信别人,这是我家缺点也是优点。 我很像外婆,不求人,无论多穷不和别人借钱。非常客家,妈妈也是。所以每当seminar,有学生帮我拿东西我都尽量不要麻烦人。有时,人家还说我为什么要亲历亲为。对我说你们信任我,这是难得的,每个手链每个珠子都用了我心思祝福去activate. 

清明让我想起, 父母之年,不可不知也。一则以喜,一则以惧。 父母安康俱在时,儿女的心永远是欣慰的,骄傲的,还带着受宠的,活泼泼的欣然,但一想到他们年岁高,自己对他们尽孝的日子越来越短,就会优惧丛生。

我十年前发明3 oil method,is to use this 3 oil to reduce aches of elderly. Everytime I give lecture, i tell the students, u dont have to buy my oil but u can use (any brand) as long as good quality lavendula , peppermint and marjoram with lotion (or rice bran oil) abit and massage their neck. They will feel good.

Lavendula Highland: 感谢的油
Peppermint: 安慰的油
Marjoram: 报答你的油。


NB: For those attending 7th June talk, I have prepared a 3ml of holy water collected from PuTuoShan distribute for u all. And my way of thanking you. U can use the water mix with pail of water let parents or family shower for good health.

New Project : Byran Lao Shi Healing Hut of PuTi Healing seed will be launched in April time. 

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