Saturday, August 23, 2014

Pagoda Energy

The pagoda and pen energy came to me few weeks ago. And now it has reached its matured state.

Pagoda and pen combine was once sold at $$$$ by a FSM in plastic metal form. Than it was not known for 10 over years.
Posted Image
Deep Meaning behind:

This set enable a person to tune energy of Wisdom to overcome all issues in life. What U and Me lack of is wisdom to see things beyond.

The pagoda is a temple of knowledge, peace and silence. It symbolizes the path of wisdom. It is said that a person who knows more or is knowledgeable stands firm like a mountain or a pagoda and cannot be shaken by anything. The Pagoda is believed to possess the power to tame unruly minds and behaviours.

U see a person molecular structure is always in the changing. At one moment we are very happy enjoying food, but when that moment ends, we sometimes feel .... why end so fast and whatever emotion stores will surface.

In Feng Shui, pagoda is also known as the education tower. It has long been a symbol of calm and peace, making it an excellent item to use to stabilize an area for better concentration in studies. You can place a pagoda in our child's room to increase his/her concentration in studies. It also is said to to reduce his/her boisterous behaviour. 

It helps to keep away anything that could distract your mind. It could prove to be useful for for children who daydream a lot or get distracted easily. It helps in a ways so u can say them easier to hear. Is worth trying.

For a child, place this in the NE corner of his/her bedroom or dont know where is NE just desk where the child studies for school. 

To ward off exam fears, place few drops rosemary oil and lemon and lavender on the pagodaon your child's table. And bring this pagoda to exam hall.

Pagodas placed in the office has the ability to stimulate career energies, up your work progress and ward off negative intentions and also effectively avoid plagiarism of your work effort

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