Monday, April 21, 2014

Self CompassionLove

Do for Love:>

I receive a sms from my friend today. Asking me... Bryan , you do blog daily, u write motivated words daily, u organise temple visit and do so many things... is it worth the energy effort.

Say I should be spending more time to do proper website to market my skincare my oil because same website for many years..... why drain my effort do so many no income things. Even free show for some people....

My friends say why my website no updates products and no spend time to do sales marketing....

Haiz.... I want to but my heart to write and share and research.  Luckily God send me two cousin to help me. If not how do I manage?

Now I can let them check orders email. Sometimes I worry, if I no promote things skincare, will people know or will people still buy my things? Than I think, aiya everything will be provided if u send good energy.

U see omhealth skincare, no advertisement but receive constant orders although not many but good quality small slow study growth.

For me I think the amount of happiness really depends how much freedom my heart is. Is a thing I experience after experiencing many things in my life. Sometimes when I am with those very powerful status people especially u see them on media, I see already sianz... I prefer simple, life..........

I use to take things very personally (I cant totally change but I change a lot).

If  a market aunty gave me a rude look, or if a bank teller was rude, or if the people or friends I take care never appreciate, I will get irritated long time last time.

And last time till now, people do take me for granted and wanna make use omhealth database... I know one... but I learn to protect myself now le.

As I spend time with many elderly and masters and volunteer work. I have a brand new sense of awareness now. I find writing notes before sleep and prayers or 5mins breathing exercise is important. And listen to people. Do u know , if u listen to people , is a kind of  helping people also.

I remember once I feel so sad over an event, I talk to a friend.... but they were not listening and just brush thru, "aiya is like that one la... see open la" but if my friend that time, can use heart to listen, and say " I really can feel ur situations, hmm  let me get u a makan and u tell me more details....".......

I am a human being, I may still feel negative on some issues, But I can shift this negative energy immediately to a place of self-love, forgiveness, acceptance, and compassion for myself. 

I am just like you, not that bryan lao shi pray more and more luck, you have bad days or good days, and me to and also i have amazing days, just like you. You are seeking, just like me. You want to believe in love, just like me.
We all feel the same things.
[ Oh I cannot stand people, have not try , already say no luck, and also when people good luck, u jealous. A powerful master in Malaysia teach me, if u rejoice for good luck people, the lucky star will shine on u]

Compassion for yourself too: Don't be so harsh on yourself.

You must develop self compassion.
Like most of us, you were probably taught that you should have compassion for others, but were you ever taught that you need to have compassion for yourself first?

Most of us weren’t. And the truth is, until you have compassion for yourself, you won’t be able to bring it to others. Then when we try to be compassionate with others and fail. That is why, when I see many do volunteer work, they do but their happiness some is not really very happy.

Self-compassion means to fully BE with yourself in a deeply aware and non-judging way as a loyal and trustworthy friend.

My two aroma oil has this energy are : Dragonfly Oil and PAF Lime.

It is a willingness to be with yourself as a loving companion to your own pain. Self-compassion includes care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, unconditional love, tenderness, acceptance, mercy, leniency, kindness, and charity for ourselves.

Like I always ask u make tea for yourself, use pen write words. Use gold pen write on paper (keep ok).

Compassion for yourself is a softness that flows within you and project your emotional / energy wound with acceptance, unconditional love and intimate understanding.

No one in the world knows your feelings and hurts as well as you do.  Some of my friends pay healer $300 an hour hoping to get healed but you forget that you are the one most qualified to bring love to this part of yourself.

Self-compassion is seeing your most tender wounds without judgment. Showing compassion to yourself is being willing to see / feel the reality of your pain without covering it up or trying to “fix” it. Once this level of self-love occurs, a door opens to the understanding of why the pain is there. As we lovingly befriend ourselves, awareness reveals the cause / effect dynamic that created the wound in the first place – a set of circumstances we experienced from which we formulated a negative belief about ourselves.

How to activate self compassion?

1) Breathing exercise 5mins a day
2) Use normal pen and write how u feel in a notebook
3) Use gold pen to write affirmations.

Let me in MMMM class work with your inner child ok:>

Clarity Bracelet was designed and PAF Lime and Dragonfly oil builds on this energy.
I have four bracelet since young till now and one of them is I wear when I need focus that day

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